Channel: TaekwonWoo
Category: Sports
Tags: quickself defense for womenself defense movesmaster woostrengthhapkido basic kicksmartial artstrainingpressure pointsself-defensedefenseattackfitnesssafetywomens self defensephysical defenselow kicksself defense kickseasy self defensehapkido kickshow to'sself defense techniquessimple self defenseself-defense street fighthapkidoeasyself defenseaikidotaekwondostreet safetytaekwonwootechniquesself defencewomen
Description: 👊🏼 In this video, we are going to learn 11 Hapkido Basic Kicks, some of the kicks that we normally do not practice in Taekwondo training. Let's learn together! 🥋 Please LIKE and Share on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks! ✔️ Visit Our Website ► #taekwonwoo #hapkido